Los Angeles Tribune Podcast Network
Rex Sikes' movie Beat

Rex sikes Movie Beat

Rex Sikes

Rex Steven Sikes, founded IDEA Seminars, and is the creator of Mind Design™, the Attitude Activator™, and Directed Questions™. He's dedicated four decades to helping countless thousands of people transform their minds and lives. Rex is an authority on Abundance and the Law of Attraction, the Science of Mind, Napoleon Hill, Whole-Brained and Accelerated Learning, Meditation and more. Sikes uses ancient wisdom and leading-edge methods to facilitate amazing life-changes and transformation!

We are on a mission to help you Create Your Best Life Ever. We draw upon both timeless wisdom and leading-edge developments to present to you the very best in life improvement training, products, and value. 

About Rex Sikes' Movie Beat

Rex Sikes' Movie Beat conversations w filmmakers Inet radio show, website & blog - subscribe to podcast

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